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September 10, 2020

UNWTO Recommendations on Urban Tourism

A short 10-page report that builds on a series of Urban Tourism Summits held in recent years as well as research conducted by UNWTO itself in order to make a series of recommendations on how destinations can develop urban tourism in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner.
September 10, 2020

Airlines for Europe position paper on Sustainability and the Environment

Containing a range of insights and data this paper examines what it is European airlines are already doing to move towards a low-carbon economy, but equally points out the need for political leadership to foster wise regulation, more efficient use of air space and to support research and development in terms of alternative fuels.
August 18, 2020

Global WebIndex Report – Travel in 2020

A helpful summary of intention to travel and some of the measures that may boost confidence based on an extensive online survey from spring 2020. Highlights include that as well as personal health, financial wellbeing was becoming a concern, and that while ‘touchless travel’ facilitated by digital technology could provide a solution, this will bring issues around inclusiveness as not all have access, or are able to utilise such technology.
August 10, 2020

Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership – Climate Change: Implications for Tourism

A report that succeeds in its task of making the IPCC Assessment Report findings much more digestible to the layperson within the tourism sector, describing the scale of likely impact that climate change will have as well as setting out some of the adaptations and mitigation measures that could help deliver a more resilient industry. The report includes a helpful two-page infographic looking at various tourism sub-sectors.
August 10, 2020

Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership – Rewiring the Economy: Ten Tasks, Ten Years

A report from 2017 that put forward ten tasks to be carried out within a decade by leaders in the fields of government, finance and business, with the aspiration being to ensure economic development benefits rather than harms broader needs such as healthy ecosystems, climate stability and wellbeing.
August 10, 2020

Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership – Working towards a climate neutral Europe: Jobs and skills in a changing world

A discussion relating to how the interplay between megatrends such as demographic and technological change and ongoing policy development to bring about a climate neutral European economy will likely shape the job market, and the skillsets needed by workers, across Europe over the next three decades. While a number of ‘case studies’ are presented none of these relate directly to the travel or tourism sector.
August 10, 2020

Euromonitor Travel 2040: Climate Emergency

A white paper describing a vision of how consumers might book and experience travel two decades from now, with a focus on how technology may help alleviate growing consumer concerns regarding the environment.
July 9, 2020

UNWTO Barometer

A valuable summary from UNWTO of the impacts on international travel in the first quarter of 2020 and a look ahead to what the full impact may be during the remainder of the year. The headline is that international arrivals look set to decline by between 58% and 78%, and that as many as 120 million direct tourism jobs are at risk.
July 9, 2020

Arival tours and activity reopening survey

A fascinating poll of attractions and tour/activity providers exploring their expectations regarding a reopening date, likely demand after reopening, the nature of measures they are planning on introducing in order to comply with health and safety protocols and the degree to which they will not be rehiring staff.
July 9, 2020

UNESCO museums report

A mix of advocacy for the importance of museums to cultural life and findings from a UNESCO survey to explore the impact of COVID-19 on the sector and what actions had been taken to mitigate enforced hibernation. Almost all museums in Western Europe have been forced to close their doors, and some estimates suggest as many as 10% may not reopen.
July 2, 2020

Tim Fairhurst on tax and tourism: A destination management problem?

Tim Fairhurst, ETOA’s Director of Policy, gives his opinion on city taxes and calls for transparency and reciprocity in their allocation.
July 2, 2020

Eurostat tourism industries analysis

A useful, if at times somewhat technical, article that describes the number of ‘tourism industry’ enterprises and number of persons employed by these enterprises in the EU27 countries as of 2017. Detailed tables are presented, including those setting out figures for individual EU27 Member States. The article highlights that almost 12 million people were employed in ‘tourism industries’, that’s one-in-five of all those working in the service sector.
July 2, 2020

Euromonitor themes transforming consumer markets

A thought piece that has as its primary focus consumer behaviour in a post-pandemic world, and while not centred on issues key to the travel and tourism sector there are some important propositions regarding how long-lasting impacts from the pandemic may influence future lifestyles. In short consumers are expected to be more risk averse and focus more on their health and financial wellbeing.
July 2, 2020

USTOA Member Survey June 2020

A set of charts and tables that describe the findings from a USTOA survey investigating the extent to which tour operators were seeing demand return, and when DMOs reckoned their destination would reopen. Topics include expectations on group size restrictions and whether national or international protocols were set to be adopted.
June 22, 2020

David Edwards on Tourism Statistics

A useful companion document for those reading tourism statistics, with a digestible look at why data from different places doesn't always match up.
June 19, 2020

ETOA Seminar: Brexit – What the travel industry needs to know

The full-length recording of our one-day Brexit seminar on 31st October 2019. Starting points for each each session are given.
June 19, 2020

Tom Jenkins International Mountain Tourism Day 2020

ETOA's Tom Jenkins explores the value of the mountain tourism industry; its role in Europe-China tourism development and its role in recovery post-coronavirus.
June 19, 2020

Tom Jenkins message to the Cultural Tourism Industry Recovery Conference in China

ETOA CEO Tom Jenkins delivers a message to the Cultural Tourism Industry Recovery Conference in China.
June 19, 2020

Tom Jenkins BBC Radio on “Covid corridors”

ETOA CEO Tom Jenkins on BBC Radio with Jose Ramon Bauza, MEP talks about the revival of Europe as a destination and calls for a common approach to opening up, avoiding "Covid corridors".
June 19, 2020

Journal of sustainable tourism – COVID-19 and intention to fly

A data-driven academic journal article in the Journal of Sustainable Tourism on the ways that COVID-19 has affected passengers' motivation and intention to fly. Has useful summary videos of the findings.
June 19, 2020

Skift on the pivot to domestic travel

A short article from Skift, looking at which countries might gain and which lose if all international travel demand shifts to domestic.
June 19, 2020

PhocusWire on tours and activities recovery products

An interesting article from PhocusWire about what entrepreneurial businesses in the tours and activities sector are doing to adapt their product to at-home experiences and crowd-beating apps.
June 18, 2020

Doug Lansky on the new normal of tourism

An interesting video from Doug Lansky with input from tourism officials in Bhutan and Amsterdam on how destinations could re-invent themselves and re-think their strategies in a post-coronavirus environment.
June 18, 2020

Doug Lansky on how coronavirus may help destinations address capacity management

A thought-provoking take from Doug Lansky on the opportunities coronavirus could present for destinations to address overtourism and capacity management.
June 18, 2020

ETOA Snapshot – Working with visitor attractions

Jorge Traver, ETOAs Country Representative for Spain, summarises how we work with visitor attractions.
June 18, 2020

ETOA Snapshot – Operational challenges

Sofie Jensen, ETOA's Head of Operations and Destination Engagement summarises the operational challenges faced by our members.
June 18, 2020

ETOA Snapshot – City taxes

Simon Smith from the ETOA policy team gives a summary of our work in city taxes.
June 18, 2020

ETOA Snapshot – Visa policy

Tim Fairhurst, ETOA's Director of Policy, talks about ETOA's role in changing visa policy.
June 18, 2020

ETOA Snapshot – ETOA’s dialogue with destinations

Tim Fairhurst, ETOA's Director of Policy, explains how we engage with destinations across Europe
June 18, 2020

ETOA Snapshot – Brexit and the travel industry

Tom Jenkins, ETOA's CEO, explains the aspects of Brexit of concern to the travel industry.
June 18, 2020

ETOA Snapshot – What is TOMS?

Tom Jenkins, ETOA's CEO, explains the Tour Operators Margin Scheme for VAT.
June 17, 2020

David Edwards opinion 3M’s theory on drivers for post-pandemic travel industry

Tourism insight expert David Edwards explains his 3Ms theory for the likely drivers for a post-pandemic travel industry.
June 17, 2020

Tim Fairhurst on multinational discussions and COVID-19

Tim Fairhurst, ETOA’s Director of Policy, reflects on recent multinational discussions about tourism and the COVID-19 crisis
June 17, 2020

RateGain Hotel pricing and availability trends

A look at the proportion of properties currently taking reservations in different countries around the world, and the pricing strategies being deployed. While caution is probably wise in terms of interpreting the room rates quoted, the study does highlight how ‘open’ the hotel market in nations such as Singapore is in comparison with those harder-hit by COVID-19.
June 17, 2020

ECM Checklist for sustainable recovery

A mix of discussion regarding how the pandemic will change destinations, examples of how European cities are already taking a series of measures to alleviate impact and prepare for recovery and highly practical guide aimed at facilitating planning by DMOs and their partners.
June 17, 2020

ETC Long haul travel sentiment

ETC has for some time monitored the sentiment of potential visitors to Europe from key long-haul origin markets, and in the latest Wave of the study the survey shines a light on prospects for the peak summer period of 2020, revealing the extent to which COVID-19 may be narrowing travel horizons.
June 17, 2020

CELTH long-term scenarios for travel

Four contrasting and thought-provoking pictures for the visitor economy in 2025 are painted based on so-called ‘explorative scenarios’. It is argued that the two major drivers will be the length and depth of the coronavirus-induced recession and the extent to which people act as ‘I’ or ‘We’.
June 17, 2020

Amadeus Report – online travellers in Japan

One of a series of country-specific studies looking at what motivates destination choice, the factors that drive OTA bookings and why some abandon a purchase before checkout.
June 17, 2020

OECD tourism policy response to coronavirus

Supporting 7% of jobs and accounting for one-fifth of service sector exports across OECD countries this study both underscores the economic importance of tourism and provides a comprehensive analysis of the actions being taken by different countries to steer the sector through the immediate crisis and rebuild for the future. For anyone wishing to review how policymakers are tackling the greatest crisis to confront the tourism industry this report is an excellent crib-sheet.
June 17, 2020

Mario Gavira’s four scenarios for post-pandemic travel

Four highly thought-provoking descriptions of how travel may look a year or so from now, dictated by the speed of economic recovery and extent to which COVID-19 transforms the public’s attitudes towards travel. Scenarios range from the ‘back to normal in months’ through to a world in which almost all travel experiences are ‘virtual’. Possible implications for different sectors, including aviation, accommodation and travel distribution are considered.
June 17, 2020

STR webinar reviewing global hotel performance during COVID-19

A 40 minute webinar that assesses the extent to which the hotel market in different regions of the world is starting to show sings of recovery, or not as the case may be, with some helpful insights on prospects for Europe over the key summer months.
June 17, 2020

UNWTO Tourism Data Dashboard

UNWTO have made available much of the data that has historically only been found in the organisation’s publications in a much more interactive way. The tool allows an exploration of inbound and outbound tourism volumes and expenditure at the global, regional and individual country level, ideal for those seeking to track down a particular number.
June 17, 2020

Euromonitor webinar on implications of COVID-19 for the global economy

A webinar and presentation squarely pitched at those with a keen interest in economics. Detailed global, regional and country forecasts for economic growth in 2020 are discussed along with the factors that will shape the nature and speed of economic recovery.
June 17, 2020

Amadeus Report – online travellers in North America

One of a series of country-specific studies looking at what motivates destination choice, the factors that drive OTA bookings and why some abandon a purchase before checkout.
June 16, 2020

Forward Keys travel intentions April 2020

A short easy-read piece of analysis with charts and data that emphasises the scale of decline in air travel demand and supply but offers a little ray of light by identifying strong search volumes for potential future trips.