Latest updates

18 July 2024  | Venice – group size limit: we have added notes on the new regulation’s operation in this section below.

03 July 2024 | Rome coach access 2025 – further to reports of discussion on topic by Rome’s House of Deputies in late June, ETOA and partners are asking for clarification as to city’s plans for any new regolamento affecting coach access with the Giubileo in mind. Further information below.

1 July 2024 | Paris ZTL – Subject to official confirmation, we understand new access restriction zone (covering 1-4 arrondissements) is expected to start in October 2024. All private vehicles will be prohibited from transiting as well as destination coach traffic (unless where permitted). Further information below.

25 June 2024 | Paris Olympics – latest travel trade FAQs is available here.

ETOA’s current focus on city access includes:

  • Access for coaches, especially those carrying passengers long-distance with luggage
  • Advocacy for value, impact, and environmental performance of private coaching
  • Restrictions imposed on group walking tours, especially in historic centres

Most of ETOA’s 370+ buyer members produce cultural group tourism. The conference and events industry depends on group operations. Much of this occurs in Europe’s historic centres whose environmental targets as well as fabric and street plan affect options for access.

Group tourism is an easy target for policy makers who want to be seen to ‘do something’ about ‘over tourism’ and congested streets, but coaches make efficient use of limited road space, organised groups are easy to manage, and are less likely to cause anti-social nuisance.

Intelligent compromise is necessary but often elusive under the pressure of local political priorities and cycles. This page is intended to provide current information on locations where access can be especially problematic. For comment and correction, please contact us.

While best efforts have been made to verify the information below and identify official websites we cannot take responsibility for its accuracy, nor that of third party websites.


Last reviewed November 2023

  • ASFA – live road traffic information for motorway network
  • Tolls.EU – third party website on road tolls
  • Black Saturday – annual coach ban transporting children on the metropolitan road network
  • Low Emission Zones (‘ZFE’)
    • Crit-Air sticker – mandatory to purchase and display in a ‘ZFE’ and in an area during high periods of pollution to show the vehicle’s emission standard
  • Urban Access Regulations – third party website on low emission and other access restriction zones


New access restriction zone (ZTL) expected to start in October 2024 (pending confirmation of operational details)

As of July 2024, while new restrictions from October are expected, questions remain: start date; perimeter of the ZTL zone and related permit; drop-off and pick-up points; booking arrangements at Louvre coach park; proof of exemption(s). We will publish updates here. For more detail, including the city’s plans and result of consultation, see June 2024 presentation from Ville de Paris.

Private vehicles (including coaches) will be prohibited from transiting the ZTL covering the 1-4 arrondissements in Central Paris. Further information and proposed map can be found on the Paris City Hall ZTL webpage.

Destination (in addition to transit) coach traffic regardless of engine type will also be prohibited in the ZTL (except for school groups, people with reduced mobility and to access the Louvre coach park via the West Quays). Electric vehicles up to 15 seats will be permitted.

We will update members once start date is confirmed and more information is known on what evidence may be required to qualify for exemptions to access. Coaches with luggage will not be permitted unless meeting an exemption.

Paris Olympics 2024

General Information – official site:

Latest FAQs addressing travel-trade questions:

Road closures and access restrictions:

  • 28 Nov 23 press release from Préfecture detailing road closures and access restrictions related to Olympics and Paralympics.

Paris je t’aime – Tourist office: coach webpage
French | English

  • PASS Autocar – mandatory to purchase for coach parking and includes news on parking disruption
  • Paris City Hall planned traffic disruption/diversions
    • Sytadin – live traffic information
    • Paris Respire – road closures on weekends and public holidays
  • Low Emission Zone (ZFE)
    • Within A86 ring road plus small area beyond
    • Time of Operation – 8am-8pm every day
    • Minimum standard – Crit-Air sticker 3 | Euro V (5) for Diesel engine
      • From 1 January 2025 – Crit-Air sticker 2 | Euro VI (6) for Diesel engine
      • Objective from 2030 – Diesel vehicles no longer permitted
    • Crit-Air sticker – mandatory to purchase and display in vehicle to show the vehicle’s emission standard


Last reviewed July 2024


Last reviewed March 2024

Comune Di Napoli (City Council) – ZTL Bus webpage

New access restriction zone (ZTL Bus) from 25 March 2024

On 13 March 2024, Comune agreed to implement a new ZTL specifically for coaches (and minibuses with more than 9 seats) effective from 25 March 2024.

ZTL Bus is formed of 4 ZTLs and permanently in operation. 3 ZTLs – ‘Centro Storico’, ‘Posillipo’ and ‘San Martino’ are possible for tour buses to access and park with payment of fee, although ‘San Martino’ ZTL is temporarily closed.

Information on fees for access and parking permit is published on ANM’s S.p.A webpage. Permits can be purchased here.

The regulation provides further information including transitional period until 24 March 2025 in Article 11.


ZTLs for all motor vehicles

Existing ZTLs for all motor vehicles are unaffected by ZTL Bus and remain in effect. A permit to enter is required. Time in operation varies by ZTL and entry point.

Managed by multiple companies. Further information can be found on Comune Di Napoli (City Council) – public transport webpage.


Last reviewed July 2024

Plans for 2025

For the 2000 Giubileo in Rome there were significant change to coach access and mobility arrangements within the city. In anticipation of the 2025 Giubileo there have been extensive infrastructure projects but we do not yet know if there will be changes to coach access, which is already heavily restricted for the centro storico. It was reported that at a meeting at the House of Deputies in Rome late June the topic of coach access was raised including possibility of a new regolamento but no specific proposals were discussed. Together with partners, ETOA is pressing local authorities for clarification. Any news will be published on this page.

General information

Roma Mobilita (City Council Transport Department) coach webpage – Italian | English

  • Roma Mobilita map (Italian | English) – drop-off points and parking
  • Luceverde – live traffic information
  • Low emission zone
    • Within A90 and E80 ring road
    • Time in Operation – permanently
    • Minimum standard – Euro V (5) for Diesel engine
  • Access restriction zone (ZTL BUS turistici) – Italian | English
    • Within A90 and E80 ring road and divided into 3 smaller zones (A,B,C)
    • Time in operation:
      • ZTL BUS A – permanently
      • ZTL BUS B – 5am to midnight every day
      • ZTL BUS C – permanently
    • A permit is required to enter/park in a zone. Type of permit required varies depending on journey and if stopping/parking in the areas surrounding the Colosseum and Vatican.
    •  Frequently Asked Questions – Roma Mobilita webpage


Last reviewed July 2024

Starting on 25 April 2024, visitors including those staying overnight are required to book when entering the centre ‘old city’ on 29 days in 2024. In addition €5 fee per person per day applies on these days unless exempt.

Further information and updates on the access fee (contributo di accesso) are published on our Italy tourist tax page.

Restrictions to take effect from 1 August 2024 (previously proposed 1 June)

Group size will be limited to 25 people in the centre (‘old city’) plus the islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello. The limitation includes a tour manager accompanying a group. Children under 2 are excluded from the count. The size limitation will not apply when embarking/disembarking vehicles or to student groups.

Headsets will be mandatory to use for groups of more than 10 people (except student groups).

Groups will also be prohibited from stopping in narrow streets and on bridges which obstruct pedestrian flow.

Further information:

Police and Urban Security Regulations – Article 71-bis

City Council Announcement

18 July 2024  | Guidance as to operation of limitation on group size limit The notes below were forwarded to us by a member who reported they received them from the local authorities. While we have no reason to doubt their accuracy, please note we have not yet been able to verify their authenticity via official sources. (Machine translation below the Italian version).

Gentili tutti,

in considerazione della imminente entrata in vigore dell’art. 71-bis del Regolamento di Polizia e Sicurezza Urbana, che regolamenta i gruppi di visitatori accompagnati da guide turistiche, accompagnatori o altri soggetti comunque individuati come riferimento della visita per il gruppo, si ritiene utile fornire chiarimenti per una corretta interpretazione della norma attraverso la serie di FAQ che si riporta più sotto.

Si ricorda infatti che a partire dal 1° agosto 2024 entrerà in vigore nel Centro Storico di Venezia, e nelle isole di Murano, Burano e Torcello, la regolamentazione dei gruppi accompagnati come deliberata dal Consiglio Comunale in data 01/02/2024 (si allega la DCC n. 6/2024).

1) Cosa si intende per “altri soggetti comunque individuati come riferimento della visita per il gruppo”?

 Qualsiasi persona che accompagni un gruppo di 25 persone che si configuri come capogruppo ovvero che nell’esercizio di fatto assume un comportamento tale da essere assimilabile al soggetto referente del gruppo.

2) Quali soggetti rientrano nel conteggio della limitazione pari a 25 persone? Quali soggetti sono invece esclusi?

I soggetti che rientrano nel conteggio sono i componenti del gruppo di visitatori; da questo conteggio viene esclusa la guida turistica o l’accompagnatore o  altro soggetto comunque individuato se questi ultimi sono in numero massimo di uno per gruppo.

Non rientrano nel conteggio delle 25 persone i bambini fino ai due anni di età. 

3) In quali casi la limitazione numerica pari a 25 persone dei soggetti che compongono il gruppo di visitatori non si applica?

Tale limitazione non si applica al gruppo composto da studenti, di ogni ordine e grado, in viaggio o visita di istruzione. Tale limitazione non si applica altresì alle mere operazioni di imbarco e sbarco da mezzi terrestri o nautici, che devono effettuarsi nelle immediate vicinanze dei mezzi.

4) Nel caso in cui in uno stesso luogo vi siano più gruppi di visita, anche in movimento/transito, che distanza devono mantenere tra loro detti gruppi?

Nel caso in cui in uno stesso luogo vi siano più gruppi di visita, è fatto obbligo garantire tra i gruppi una distanza tale da non arrecare evidente intralcio alla circolazione del flusso pedonale. 

Non è consentito ad una guida turistica o ad un accompagnatore o ad un altro soggetto comunque individuato, condurre più di un gruppo di visitatori neanche se distanziati.

5) Nel caso in cui vi siano più gruppi di visita presso gli stazi delle gondole, in attesa di imbarco, che distanza devono mantenere tra loro detti gruppi?

È fatto obbligo garantire tra i gruppi una distanza tale da non arrecare evidente intralcio alla circolazione del flusso pedonale. 

6) In quale caso è previsto l’obbligo dell’uso degli auricolari?

L’obbligo dell’uso degli auricolari è previsto nel caso in cui il gruppo di visitatori sia composto da più di 10 persone e sia condotto da una guida turistica.

Nel caso in cui il gruppo di visitatori sia composto da più di 10 persone e sia condotto da un accompagnatore, non vi è l’obbligo dell’uso di auricolari essendo escluso che l’accompagnatore turistico possa esercitare le funzioni proprie della guida turistica; qualora esercitasse tali funzioni con più di 10 persone verrà comminata una sanzione per l’esercizio non autorizzato dell’attività e una per il mancato uso degli auricolari. Tali sanzioni proteggono infatti bene giuridici diversi: la tutela del consumatore e della concorrenza ed il disturbo della quiete pubblica nella sua accezione amministrativa.

7) Qual è l’ambito di applicazione della regolamentazione dei gruppi accompagnati?

L’ambito di applicazione corrisponde al centro storico di Venezia e alle isole di Murano, Burano e Torcello. Di conseguenza, per le soste alle Isole (Murano Burano e Torcello), si dovrà prevedere un secondo accompagnatore qualora si debbano accompagnare i gruppi nelle isole predette. 

8) La regolamentazione dei gruppi accompagnati prevede fasce orarie di disapplicazione? 

La regolamentazione dei gruppi accompagnati, così come normata dall’art. 71-bis del Regolamento di Polizia e Sicurezza Urbana, non prevede alcuna fascia oraria di disapplicazione.

Dear all,

in consideration of the imminent entry into force of the art. 71-bis of the Police and Urban Security Regulations, which regulates groups of visitors accompanied by tourist guides, companions or other subjects identified as a reference point for the visit for the group, it is considered useful to provide clarifications for a correct interpretation of the rule through the series of FAQ which is reported below.

In fact, we would like to remind you that starting from 1 August 2024, the regulation of accompanied groups as resolved by the City Council on 01/02/2024 will come into force in the Historic Center of Venice, and on the islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello (attached the DCC n. 6/2024).

1) What is meant by “other subjects identified as reference points for the visit for the group”?

Any person who accompanies a group of 25 people who acts as a group leader or who in practice behaves in such a way as to be comparable to the group leader.

2) Which subjects fall within the limit of 25 people? Which subjects are excluded?

The subjects included in the count are the members of the visitor group; the tourist guide or companion or other person identified in any case is excluded from this count if the latter number a maximum of one per group.

Children up to two years of age are not included in the count of 25 people.

3) In which cases does the numerical limitation of 25 people making up the group of visitors not apply?

This limitation does not apply to the group made up of students, of all levels, on a trip or educational visit. This limitation also does not apply to mere embarkation and disembarkation operations from land or nautical vehicles, which must be carried out in the immediate vicinity of the vehicles.

4) If there are multiple visiting groups in the same place, including those in movement/transit, what distance must these groups maintain between each other?

In the event that there are multiple visiting groups in the same place, it is mandatory to guarantee a distance between the groups such as not to cause obvious obstruction to the circulation of pedestrian flow.

It is not permitted for a tour guide or a companion or another identified individual to lead more than one group of visitors, even if spaced apart.

5) If there are multiple visiting groups at the gondola stations, waiting to board, what distance must these groups maintain between each other?

It is mandatory to guarantee a distance between groups such as not to cause obvious obstruction to the circulation of pedestrian flow.

6) In which case is the use of earphones mandatory?

The use of earphones is mandatory if the group of visitors is made up of more than 10 people and is led by a tour guide.

In the event that the group of visitors is made up of more than 10 people and is led by a companion, there is no obligation to use earphones as the tour leader cannot exercise the functions of a tourist guide; if he carries out these functions with more than 10 people, a fine will be imposed for unauthorized exercise of the activity and one for failure to use earphones. These sanctions in fact protect different legal assets: the protection of the consumer and competition and the disturbance of public peace in its administrative meaning.

7) What is the scope of the regulation of accompanied groups?

The scope of application corresponds to the historic center of Venice and the islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello. Consequently, for stops on the islands (Murano Burano and Torcello), a second companion must be provided if groups need to be accompanied to the aforementioned islands.

8) Do the regulations for accompanied groups include time slots for non-application?

The regulation of accompanied groups, as regulated by art. 71-bis of the Police and Urban Security Regulations, does not provide for any disapplication time slot.


Last reviewed November 2023


Gemeente (City Council) coach webpage – Dutch | English

  • Tour Buzz – Drop-off points, parking and live/planned traffic disruption/diversions
  • Low Emission Zone
    • Within A10 ring road
    • Time of Operation – permanent
    • Minimum standard – Euro VI (6) for Diesel engine

New access restriction within the S100 from 1 January 2024

Following announcement in February 2023 by the Gemeente and Municipal Executive adoption in June 2023, coach access within the S100 will be further restricted from 1 January 2024. Coaches weighing more than 7.5 tonnes will only be permitted to access the Weesperstraat-Valkenburgerstraat-Kattenburgerstraat corridor, except when issued with an exemption permit.


Information on drop-off and pick up points on the S100 and corridor can be found on the Gemeente coach webpage – Dutch | English.


The application form to apply for an exemption permit is expected to be published mid-December on the Gemeente coach webpage above.

Operators transporting the following passengers to or from educational, cultural or arts institutions e.g. museums, theatres and zoos can apply for an exemption permit:

  • Children up to 12 years of age
  • Elderly people from state pension age (67 years of age from 2024)
  • Disabled people

An exemption permit will either be valid for one day or one year and depending on the route and time of day, permits may be limited. Further information on the exemption policy can be found here.

Notably, a tour, such as by canal boat, does not appear to count as a cultural visit, despite it showcasing a World Heritage Site. Likewise, transporting passengers with luggage to or from accommodation providers does not qualify for an exemption (except in limited special circumstances). Thus, in effect, the plan bans large group bookings within the S100 not staying on/near the Weesperstraat-Valkenburgerstraat-Kattenburgerstraat corridor, unless other options such as minibuses, other private hire vehicles or public transport are used.

ETOA comment and lobbying on the general 2020-2025 plan and coaching:

Rules are in effect for guiding tours in the Centrum District (within the S100)

  • Gemeente (City Council) guided tours webpage on the rules – Dutch | English


Managed by GVB


Last reviewed February 2024


Rules are in effect for guiding tours in Ciutat Vella district until at least September 2024.


  • Tours are limited to maximum 20 people (plus tour guide).
  • In these squares and streets, the number of tour groups permitted at a time is limited.
  • Loudspeakers are prohibited.

United Kingdom

Last reviewed March 2024

Bourton-on-the-Water, Cotswold, England

Coach Parking – Since 1 January 2024, there is currently no coach parking provision in the village including to drop-off/pick-up (mini-buses are still permitted to park at Station Road Car Park). Cotswold District Council statement.

Coach Access – Bourton Parish Council has proposed to ban tourist coach access in the village through introducing Traffic Restriction Orders (TROs). Parish councillors are to decide in April whether to use permanent or emergency TROs, or a combination of both. Final decision is subject to a public consultation and would need to be implemented by highways authority Gloucestershire County Council. Further information from Parish Council meeting on 6 March 2024 includes the proposed roads where TROs would apply.

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