The ETOA Insight Hub presents a rich statistical and insights service for our members, partners and stakeholders. Its aim is to provide up-to-date research, actionable insights and opinion pieces on the topics that matter to our members. Additionally, it serves to demonstrate the value of tourism to global and local economies, lending weight to our lobbying activities and supporting our vision of Better Tourism in Europe.

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October 12, 2020

ETC Handbook on COVID-19 Recovery for NTOs

A hefty tome that looks at what European NTOs have been doing in the sort-term to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic, but takes a long hard look at the future, seeing the current crisis as an opportunity for NTOs to pivot towards a more sustainability-focussed view of how tourism can develop, thereby benefitting not just visitors but local communities, economies and the environment.
October 12, 2020

Tiquets – Tourism Trends 2020 Report: The European Traveller’s Mindset Post-COVID

Results from a survey of 300 respondents spread across five countries looking at travel intentions for the remainder of 2020 and what museums and attractions could do to attract visitors back. While an easy and comparatively upbeat read, it should be noted that this analysis is based on a small sample and reflects the sense of optimism felt at the time of the survey in high summer - traveller intentions may have shifted somewhat as summer turned to autumn.
September 17, 2020

WTTC Recovery Scenarios 2020 & Economic Impact from COVID-19

Analysis conducted by WTTC presented in the form of a 5-page report with accompanying infographics for each world region in addition to a global summary. Results from WTTC and Oxford Economics modelling covering a baseline, upside and downside scenario are showcased. As its starting point the study notes that swift and coordinated action by governments to safely restart travel and tourism will be crucial in minimising the economic fallout brought about by the crisis. Since the analysis was conducted in June the downside scenario would appear to be far more likely than the upside scenario.
September 15, 2020

STR webinar on COVID-19 impact on European hotel performance

A comprehensive analysis looking at the latest trends in the hotel market in Europe that notes areas catering for staycation leisure demand enjoyed an August performance ahead of that which was expected, city destinations more reliant on corporate and international demand saw little in the way of recovery. The webinar includes a look ahead and concludes that while recovery will not be easy and is likely to take until 2023, it remains a realistic goal
September 10, 2020

UNWTO on COVID-19 and Transforming Tourism

A detailed study showcasing tourism’s vital importance to economies and societies that considers how recovery from COVID-19 can be harnessed as an opportunity to better reflect local values, create decent jobs, lessen the sector’s carbon footprint and protect the wider environment.
September 10, 2020

UNWTO Recommendations on Urban Tourism

A short 10-page report that builds on a series of Urban Tourism Summits held in recent years as well as research conducted by UNWTO itself in order to make a series of recommendations on how destinations can develop urban tourism in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner.
September 10, 2020

Airlines for Europe position paper on Sustainability and the Environment

Containing a range of insights and data this paper examines what it is European airlines are already doing to move towards a low-carbon economy, but equally points out the need for political leadership to foster wise regulation, more efficient use of air space and to support research and development in terms of alternative fuels.
August 18, 2020

Global WebIndex Report – Travel in 2020

A helpful summary of intention to travel and some of the measures that may boost confidence based on an extensive online survey from spring 2020. Highlights include that as well as personal health, financial wellbeing was becoming a concern, and that while ‘touchless travel’ facilitated by digital technology could provide a solution, this will bring issues around inclusiveness as not all have access, or are able to utilise such technology.
August 10, 2020

Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership – Climate Change: Implications for Tourism

A report that succeeds in its task of making the IPCC Assessment Report findings much more digestible to the layperson within the tourism sector, describing the scale of likely impact that climate change will have as well as setting out some of the adaptations and mitigation measures that could help deliver a more resilient industry. The report includes a helpful two-page infographic looking at various tourism sub-sectors.
August 10, 2020

Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership – Rewiring the Economy: Ten Tasks, Ten Years

A report from 2017 that put forward ten tasks to be carried out within a decade by leaders in the fields of government, finance and business, with the aspiration being to ensure economic development benefits rather than harms broader needs such as healthy ecosystems, climate stability and wellbeing.
August 10, 2020

Cambridge University Institute for Sustainability Leadership – Working towards a climate neutral Europe: Jobs and skills in a changing world

A discussion relating to how the interplay between megatrends such as demographic and technological change and ongoing policy development to bring about a climate neutral European economy will likely shape the job market, and the skillsets needed by workers, across Europe over the next three decades. While a number of ‘case studies’ are presented none of these relate directly to the travel or tourism sector.
August 10, 2020

Euromonitor Travel 2040: Climate Emergency

A white paper describing a vision of how consumers might book and experience travel two decades from now, with a focus on how technology may help alleviate growing consumer concerns regarding the environment.
July 9, 2020

UNWTO Barometer

A valuable summary from UNWTO of the impacts on international travel in the first quarter of 2020 and a look ahead to what the full impact may be during the remainder of the year. The headline is that international arrivals look set to decline by between 58% and 78%, and that as many as 120 million direct tourism jobs are at risk.
July 9, 2020

Arival tours and activity reopening survey

A fascinating poll of attractions and tour/activity providers exploring their expectations regarding a reopening date, likely demand after reopening, the nature of measures they are planning on introducing in order to comply with health and safety protocols and the degree to which they will not be rehiring staff.
July 9, 2020

UNESCO museums report

A mix of advocacy for the importance of museums to cultural life and findings from a UNESCO survey to explore the impact of COVID-19 on the sector and what actions had been taken to mitigate enforced hibernation. Almost all museums in Western Europe have been forced to close their doors, and some estimates suggest as many as 10% may not reopen.