Pulse Check: Climate Action Plans June 2024
ETOA’s Pulse Check asks one question each time. It’s a rapid and straightforward way to highlight our members’ voices to policymakers and the wider travel industry community.
June 2024
This time we asked our members the extent to which they agree with these two statements about climate action plans:
Publishing a workable climate action plan is necessary for commercial success
Publishing a workable climate action plan is necessary for organisational credibility

An overwhelming majority of respondents agree that a workable climate action plan is necessary for organisational credibility (86%), with an even split between those who strongly agree that this is the case and those who somewhat agree. Fewer people think a climate action plan is necessary for commercial success, though (67%), again with an almost equal split in strength of agreement.
We see more neutrality in the commercial success question (17%) than in the organisational credibility question (4%), meaning that 96% of respondents have an opinion on the necessity of the climate action plan for organisational credibility, compared with 83% on commercial success.
Only 10% feel that the publication of a plan is unnecessary for organisational credibility, again with an even split between the strength of disagreement with the statement. More people think commercial success is unaffected by the presence of a climate action plan, at 16%.
We will track opinion on this over time, to see how sentiment changes as the climate agenda progresses.